Thursday, 16 May 2013

Our Failures...

Most of us play computer games and enjoy very much our winning. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. If we win we will go to the next round but if we fail than we play again & again the same stage until we defeat our enemy. I can bet most of us very familiar to this situation and it’s very good. We always want to win and go to next stage but if we fail than we have to play the same stage again. This is very much related to our life but if this situation comes in real life, when we fail again & again than we feel negativity and lose our hope. Remember that your failures are the seeds of your most glorious successes. We all know that it’s very difficult to be natural & calm when we are losing. Be sad, but don't despair. An inventor fails hundreds of times, and if he wins once, he's in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots. There is no failure for the man who realizes his Inner power. There is no failure for the man who gets up every time he falls, who rebounds like a rubber ball, who persists when everyone else gives up, who pushes on when everyone else turns back. So don't be fear of your failure be strong because your failure is your success path…

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