Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Life’s Truth...

There comes a time in your life,
When you walk away from all the dramas and people who create it.
You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
Forget the bad, and focus on the good.
Love the people, who treat you right,
Pray for the ones who don’t.
Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Falling down is a part of life,
Getting back up is living

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy New Year...

Another year passed and we have a new bright year to be focused on.
The New Year is the time of creating new opportunities and discovering a new strength in you. It’s time to offer a good time and happiness to your loved one
Life will always offer difficulties, challenges and hurdles in front of you, but how you will cross those challenges and hurdles to think about it.
I will wish that on this New Year, may you change your direction from wrong to right. Change your commitments from bad to good. Change your rude attitude but not the good actions, and bring a wonderful change in your life.
May you live up to the promises you have made. My wish for you all is a proactive spirit – a spirit that does not wait for the right time thinking when an opportunity would come and fall on the lap, but goes outside to grab an opportunity, or if needed simply make it for yourself, and prove your strength to the world. We all know that happiness comes to those who know how to make others happy. So rise above all the problems & issues and see the joys that surround you. Be happy and welcome a new bright future...