Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Thanks to Everything...

Happy Life Quote, Motivational Quote- Thanks to Everything...

Be thankful for the day, and you will feel joy. Be appreciative of those who are around you, and they will bring much value to your life. Be grateful for your opportunities, and you'll find yourself making the most of them. Be thankful for what you have, and you'll get more from it. Be grateful for the challenges, and they will help you become stronger. Appreciate the dark, cloudy days and they'll instantly become brighter. Appreciate the sunny days, and you'll enjoy them even more.  Consider how very fortunate you are. Consider it often. The more you count your blessings, the more u will get..

Monday, 28 November 2016

"I will not quite"

"I will not quite"- Be positive, and you can defeat anything !!

Succeed in believing that you will not fail.
Use diligent effort and determination to set your sail.

When the weather is stormy and the weather are rough,
In the moment of danger the strong get tough.

whenever life presses you, down a bit.
Stand up and shout , "I will not quite"